Sprint retrospective application. Teams can login and create a team retro and action plan together.
Hello! I’m a new frontend developer with background and experience in the law field. I have a creative and communicative profile, with experience in data management, implementation of new softwares and knowledge in project management.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Redux, Node.js, Web Accessibly, API:s, mob-programming, pair-programming, GitHub.
Sprint retrospective application. Teams can login and create a team retro and action plan together.
The project is a web page to post, visualize and like posts (similiar to Twitter). It was created using React components and API.
A React-Redux Labyrinth game, where the player follows a history and chooses a path until the end of the labyrinth.
A multipage React application, that uses the moviedb API to present the most recent releases in the horror genre.
A to do list application built in React-Redux. The user can add, complete and delete tasks.
Music releases site built with React. The page is built with components and JSX.
A mobile APP created using React Native. The App fetches and displays 2 different quotes API.
A Node.js backend API for Amazon's bestsellers from 2009 to 2019.
Harry Potter themed quiz made with React-Redux with different types of questions and a summary to display right and wrong answers.
Authentication app that allow the user to sign up or log in to see a private content.
API with movies on Netflix, Prime Video, Hulu and Disney+
Restaurants in Sweden survey made with React. It has different input types and multiple components.
Responsive project tracker web site using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It also uses information from the GitHub API.
Traditional "Guess Who" game. The player is presented with a board with 25 characters and needs to filter them to find the chosen character.
Weather app built in JavaScript using Open Weather API. The background and the icons adapt depending on the current weather.
Chatbot that talks with the user, asking for it's information and suggesting a mood GIF depending on the answer.
Responsive business site using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
12 weeks ago I started the Technigo frontend developer bootcamp and what a ride this has been! To celebrate getting to middle of this journey, I wrote my thoughts on my experience so far!
17 weeks into the bootcamp and 17 reviews later, here are my thoughts about doing a code review.